Maureen Kortenbusch

object The Quiet Globe of Air from the series The Adorning Entities, 2022

glass, freshwater pearls, beads and objects/materials found on the street

Maureen Kortenbusch graduated from Maastricht Institute of Arts in 2022 with the series of objects Adorning Entities. In her graduation thesis she writes about her childhood imaginary friends who form the basis for her interest in Animism, the appreciation of even the smallest and seemingly worthless found materials and a life as an always observant outsider.

She has made wonderfully strange and detailed – whether portable or not – objects, partly made of glass, freshwater pearls, beads and always in combination with objects/materials found on the street. In addition, she made a book in which all pieces are archived. She drew the different growth stages of the objects and wrote a made-up story about its habitat and character for each piece.

Each entity has its unique story, character and intrinsic value; some want to be carried while others hesitate at the slightest touch. For Kortenbusch, the Adorning Entities embody a shift in the way of looking at matter, the environment and the process of creation. They symbolize an animistic approach to existence and promote a caring and kindness towards each other.

Young Talent Acquisition (Piet-Hein Verspyck Mijnssen Jong Talent Stimuleringsaankopen), 2022
Plus the book The Archive of Adorning Entities, 2022

Young Talent Acquisition 2022


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