Support us

Please donate to show your support!

Your enthousiasm for contemporary jewellery is vital to the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation. By supporting our acivities and our goals you will support contemporary jewellery makers and help to stimulate exposure, debate and exchange.

How? You can donate occassionally, or become a Friend of the foundation. By donating at least € 50 annually we will inform you about our activities, invite you to the presentation of the Françoise van den Bosch award and other events like the annuall meet-and-greet with the artist in residence. Send us an e-mail or just donate and we will contact you.

Our bank details:
Stichting Françoise van den Bosch, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ABN-AMRO bank account details:
IBAN: NL23 ABNA 0213 0612 28

Since the foundation qualifies as ‘ANBI’, it is possible for tax payers in the Netherlands to donate and receive a tax break. Under most instances the amount donated is deductible from your Dutch income tax. Please refer to the Dutch version of this page or send us an e-mail: info@franç

Schrijf je in voor onze nieuwsbrief

Stichting Françoise van den Bosch | Françoise van den Bosch Foundation gebruikt de gegevens die u op dit formulier verstrekt om contact met u op te nemen en om updates en marketing aan te bieden. Laat ons weten op welke manieren u van ons zou willen horen:

U kunt op elk moment van gedachten veranderen door op de link Abonnement opzeggen te klikken in de voettekst van elke email die u van ons ontvangt, of door contact met ons op te nemen via We zullen uw gegevens met respect behandelen. Bezoek onze website voor meer informatie over onze privacypraktijken. Door hieronder te klikken, stemt u ermee in dat wij uw gegevens mogen verwerken in overeenstemming met deze voorwaarden.
