Fund 20.22

The foundation has been enriched by a new fund: the 20.22 Fund.
This fund aims to increase the impact of the Françoise van den Bosch Prize. First step was to double the prize money from € 5,000 to € 10,000. The increased prize money will make it easier to realize a publication, an exhibition or other project of the winner.

In December 2021, four friends of the foundation -two couples who prefer to remain anonymous- approached the board with the wish to give the prize a boost by increasing the prize money to benefit the winner. We are extremely grateful to the generous donors and (after some calculations) have followed up on their ambition.

The aim of this fund is to make the Françoise van den Bosch Award possible on a permanent basis. The first donations have been used to increase the prize money; further donations will also benefit other aspects of the award: the purchase of a substantial work by the award recipient for the collection, an award ceremony event to generate attention for the winner’s work and – where possible – a presentation or exhibition .

If you also want to contribute to this fund, you can do so with a contribution of € 1,250 per year for five years. In the Netherlands, this gift is tax deductible*. Your donation will fully benefit the international Françoise van de Bosch Award. For more information send an email to the chair of the foundation:

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