Veronika Fabian

(Hungary, 1979)

necklace Biglink, 2020
silver-plated, oxidised brass
300 x 200 x 40 mm.

young talent acquisition 2020
*acquired thanks to the generousity of an anonymous donor

The Biglink necklace was inspired by Veronika Fabian’s artistic journey towards the field of jewellery. Her intention was to allow the chain to escape, and to reinterpret its expected purpose.
The original assumption regarding traditional chains is that they are subservient to the main jewel. In this piece Fabian transformed ordinary chainlinks, enabling them to achieve jewellery status on their own. The work symbolises the process of changing identity and represents how the chain starts to form its own pattern. This allows the chain to assume a new identity, and encourages awareness of its potential in jewellery.

Veronika Fabian is a Hungarian jewellery designer based in London. Trained as a financial analyst, she gravitated toward jewellery after seven years in the financial sector. Fabian’s work is informed by her own journey from complex analysis to handcraft, economics to design.
Fabian received her BA in Jewellery Design from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London in 2018 and MA from Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam in 2020. Her work investigates the impact of contemporary capitalism on daily life and personal identity, both of which play a vital role in her collections.


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