Sophie Hanagarth

(Switzerland, 1968)

bracelet Trap, 2013

forged iron
closed 5 x 11 x 6 cm, open 9 x 11 x 2,3 cm
inventory number 204.2015

Just as the Lipstick Ring, these big teeth hold a body part. Sophie Hanagarth is not as much interested in beauty or aesthetics as she is interested in the way a piece is worn, and how a bracelet can turn into a weapon, or how it feels when your arm is stuck. This bracelet is an uncanny attribute, and the title Trap is a clear allusion. Men often show intense reactions when face to face with this bracelet. Hanagarth is very much aware of the position of a piece of jewellery on the body, and how the piece relates to the body.

Hanagarth Sophie – inv nr xx – armband Trap 2013

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