Noon Passama

(born in Thailand, lives and works in the Netherlands)

brooch Portrait #6, 2013

mixed media: calf fur, reindeer fur and cow leather, silver; backing: 18ct gold plated brass, remanium pin
9,7 x 14,2 x 3,8 cm
technique hand-sewing
inventory number 212.2015

9nd round Young Talent, 2013

Because of the soft fur, this brooch looks like a cuddly toy that invites to be petted. The brooch is part of a series of Portrait brooches, fictitious portraits. You are invited to recognise your favourite person or friend in them. The piece is made by hand out of various luxurious leathers, while the eyes are the only details in the portrait that are accentuated in metal. The piece is made with attention and dedication to the smallest details – even on the backside of the brooch. Noon Passama appears to have a natural talent for fashion: these and other designs by her have been copied by famous fashion brands, which is a very frustrating situation.

Passama Noon – inv nr xx – Broche Portrait #6 2013 zwarte achtergrond

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