Noon Passama

(born in Thailand, lives and works in the Netherlands)

brooch Extra Button, 2011

black rhodium plated copper, acrylic sheet backing and readymade pins
5 x 8 x 3 cm
technique: cnc rapid prototyping, wax casting, electroforming and laser cutting
inventory number 211.2015 (1-2)

9th round Young Talent, 2013

The title of this brooch, Extra Button, is somewhat strange, but if you turn the piece over you will see that the basis of this brooch is a white plastic badge with a needle. The idea occurred to her when she was a jewellery student at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam, and made her first series of voluminous brooches based on the badge. After graduating she decided to create a new series in a more professional way: by collaborating with small companies in her native country Thailand she was able to start an industrial production. Thanks to this method she could realize a line of Extra Button brooches produced in a variety of shapes, sizes, colours, materials and finishes – from high polished silver and gold to bright plastic colours.

Passama Noon – inv nr xx – Broche Extra Button 2011 backsidePassama Noon – inv nr xx – Broche Extra Button 2011 front side


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