Mallory Weston

On Tuesday May 14th, the Jewellery – Linking Bodies department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie welcomed jewellery designer Mallory Weston. The lecture she gave about her work and progress was part of the Artist in Residence program of the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation.

About Mallory Weston:

Mallory Weston is an artist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the United States who is the current artist in residence of the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation and Studio Rian de Jong. Mallory is an art jeweler whose work involves a marriage between traditional jewelry and metalworking techniques and textile techniques to create large-scale wearable pieces. Her work explores the life of symbols through a variety of different media, from anodized titanium to carved fluorescent minerals. These culturally charged icons are enhanced through the use of color psychology and a spectrum of tactile qualities. But ultimately, her jewelry speaks to seduction, nostalgia, and desire. Mallory Weston strives to translate these ideas through alluring materials, rich pattern, and hypnotizing movement to call out to the viewer to touch, wear, and covet.

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