Liesbet Bussche

(Belgium, 1980, lives and works in Amsterdam)

Urban Jewellery, 2009
1 object Bucket and lock from series Urban Jewellery
2 photos from the object situ (overview and close up)
1 poster Bucket and lock1 photo of the poster in situ, in the city
series of all posters for Urban Jewellery

inventory number 007.2013 (1-19)

7th round Young Talent, 2009: The Nederlands

Bucket and shovel, or pearl and lock, it is all in the eye of the beholder. As part of her graduation show at Gerrit Rietveld Academy’s Jewellery Department, Liesbet Bussche turned to the streets. She installed Urban Jewellery at different places in the city. She installed posters showing a picture of each piece of jewellery and the name of the street where the piece could be found all over the city. With the help of these sand-moulds she made a pearl necklace with lock in the heaps of sand of a street that was being dug up. The collection of Urban Jewellery further consists, amongst others, of large metal bracelet charms, a brooch pin behind a traffic sign, and fencing tape that she made from read and white glass beads.

Bussche Liesbet – 007.2013(1-19) – objecten en foto’s Sieraad voor de stad 2009


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