Gemma Draper

(Spain, 1971, studied at the Massana School Barcelona 1999-2003, South Carelia Polytechnic Lappeenranta Finland and Cranbrook Academy of Art 2007-09)

necklace Is almost the right shape (cream, green and black), 2005

painted silver, oxidised silver, pearls, glass beads
42 x 23 cm
inventarisnummer 12.2006

5th round Young Talent, 2005: Spain
adviser: Mònica Gaspar, Barcelona/Zürich

The title of this chain seems indicative of a struggle. Isn’t an artist, or designer, and especially a jewellery designer, always searching for the right shape? The right shape to express something, or the right shape for wearing as a piece of jewellery. Gemma Draper made a series of necklaces under the title Is Almost the Right Shape. The Françoise van den Foundation acquired this piece of jewellery within the framework of the Piet Hein Verspyck Mijnssen Acquisitions of Young Talent (named after a former and well esteemed board member). This way the foundation hopes to stimulate young artists, in the year the biannual award is not conferred.

Draper Gemma – 12.2006 – Ketting Is almost the right shape 2005 FOTO VAN WEB

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