Chequita Nahar

Chequita Nahar is a Dutch jewellery designer, tutor and curator, born in Paramaribo, Suriname in 1970. Her work is informed by her bicultural background,  reflecting a fusion of cultural influences. In her jewellery, she combines Surinamese crafts and techniques with methods that are rooted in contemporary practices. In it, she discusses Surinamese culture, its rituals, symbolism and visual language which she connects to her experience of Dutch culture.

Chequita Nahar is an important voice in the contemporary jewellery field through her engagement in the field as a passionate educator (Head of Fine Art and Design programme, Maastricht Institute of Arts) and curator (Schmuck, 2020). She is an important promoter of diversity and inclusion in art education, fueling discussion in the field whilst making sure everyone is included.

By awarding her the prize, the jury wants to acknowledge and stimulate her artistic practice and educational endeavours, and make sure her voice reaches a wide audience.

The jury of the 2022 Françoise van den Bosch Award:
Lauren Kalman, visual artist, Professor at Wayne State University, recipient of the Françoise van den Bosch Award 2020
Evert Nijland, artist and jewellery designer
Amanda Pinatih, Design Curator, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
Anneleen Swillen, Tutor Jewellery Design & Gold and Silversmithing, PXL-MAD School of Arts, Hasselt
Frank Verkade, jewellery designer
Vanessa de Gruijter (chair)





Read here “Shifting Perspectives” written by Vanessa de Gruijter >>
View here the entire award ceremony and the symposium on our YouTube channel >>

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