David Roux Fouillet

(Danish/French, born 1978)

ring Princess of 22, 2012

gold, ruby, bullet; target with cd mixed media
ring 3 x 2.5 x (Ø)1.6 cm
target 4.5 x 12.5 x 12.5 cm
inventarisnummer 010.2013


During David Roux-Fouillet’s jewellery study in London he decided to shoot a diamond in a golden ring with a rifle, as an alternative to setting gems. The Françoise van den Bosch foundation asked David to design a piece of jewellery based on this principle, within the scope of the Piet Hein Verspyck Mijnssen Acquisitions of Young Talent. David Roux-Fouillet made a ring based on the coat of arms of the Van den Bosch family, which is composed of pigeons and stars. He used a Princess 22 calibre pistol to shoot a ruby in both stars. The target on the box, the lead curling as a result of the impact of the bullet, and the title, point at the violent origin of this piece of jewellery.

read more: Princess of 22

video Diamond Shot

information on the ring in the Stedelijk Museum Journal

Roux Fouillet David - 010.2013 - ring Princess of 22 2012


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