Richard Elenbaas

(the Netherlands 1983, lives and works in Amsterdam)

pin Distinction, 2013

gold leaf
8,5 x 8,5 x 0,01 cm
inventory number 201.2015

9th round Young Talent, 2013

This honourable distinction is made out of feather light material. The gold foil is so thin and fragile that we didn’t dare to unwrap it completely: one slight breeze of wind is enough to ruin the piece. Although this decoration is made of noble gold, and is composed of a coat of arms flanked by two Dutch lions, it is merely varnish. When one would try to decorate someone with it, it would immediately fall apart. Isn’t there a better symbol for the transience of success and fame?

Elenbaas Richard – inv nr xx – broche Distinction jaar xx foto1 Elenbaas Richard – inv nr xx – broche Distinction jaar xx foto2

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