Award 2022

The board of the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation has the honour to invite you to two events to celebrate the presentation of the Françoise van den Bosch Award 2022 to jewellery designer Chequita Nahar.
Chequita Nahar is a jewellery designer, tutor and curator, and recipient of the Françoise van den Bosch award 2022. Nahar has been steadily working on a body of work that is informed by her bicultural background – growing up in two cultures, Suriname and the Netherlands – and reflects on a fusion of influences. She is an important voice in the contemporary jewellery field through her engagement in the field as a passionate educator (Head of programme Fine Art and Design, Maastricht Institute of Arts) and curator (Schmuck, 2020).


In the exhibition WASI SANI, Chequita Nahar explores the different ways we wash ourselves and the world around us, and the role objects and language play in this process. Jewellery designer Luisa Kuschel has been invited by Chequita Nahar to create new work that ties in with the themes covered. The exhibition is organised in collaboration with Museum Arnhem.

Opening ceremony exhibition Wasi Sani and drinks:
Museum Arnhem
November 5, from 1:00 to 5:00 pm.
Free access.


An afternoon, live and via livestream, on diaspora, migration, encounters, belonging, adornment and craft. With Namita Gupta Wiggers, Kerstin Pinther, artist Chequita Nahar (winner Françoise van den Bosch-award) in conversation with Stedelijk Museum curator Amanda Pinatih. The Sunday Talk will be structured around themes connected to the work of Chequita Nahar who will receive the Françoise van den Bosch Award for her contribution to the field of contemporary jewellery and craft. The event will explore topics such as deconstructing values of design, craft, diaspora and belonging. The symposium is organised in collaboration with Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Sunday talk, award ceremony and drinks:
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
November 12, from 2:00 to 6:00 pm.
Tickets available at the ticket shop of > Stedelijk Museum.

Speakers are Namita Gupta Wiggers (USA) and Kerstin Pinther (DE). Spoken word by Britney Lindo. The symposium is organised in collaboration with Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.

View the entire symposium > here on our YouTube channel.

Namita Gupta Wiggers is an artist, curator, educator, and writer based in Portland, Oregon (USA). She is the founding director of the MA in Craft Studies, a low-residency program focused on critical theory and craft history at Warren Wilson College (2017-2023). Wiggers is the director and co-founder of Critical Craft Forum, an online and onsite platform for exchange. From 2004–14, she served as the director and chief curator (2012-14), and curator (2004-12), Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland, Oregon. She contributes to journals and books, lectures, panels, and workshops across the US and internationally.

Kerstin Pinther is professor for African Art History. Currently she is curator for modern and contemporary art in a global context at the Staatliche Museen Berlin. research focuses on contemporary art, architecture, urbanism and design in Africa and its diaspora. She has written and co-edited several publications such as “New Spaces for Negotioating Art (and) Histories in Africa” (2015) and “Flow of Forms / Forms of Flow, Design Histories Between Africa and Europe” (2018). As a curator, she organized the exhibition “Afropolis. City, Media, Art” (2010-2012) as well as “Flow of Forms” (2017-2019).

Amanda Pinatih (1987) is Design Curator at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Here she provides the vast design collection with new perspectives. Simultaneously she is a PhD candidate at the VU Amsterdam and co-founder of the Design Museum Dharavi in Mumbai (IN). Pinatih is  member of the supervisory board of The Young Collectors Circle

Britney Lindo writes about social issues and how she personally relates to them. Emotion is central to her work and she passionately conveys this to her audience

Student MA Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Belgium.

These events are part of OBSESSED! jewellery Festival.



The Françoise van den Bosch Foundation is committed to supporting contemporary jewellery design. The foundation does this through acquisitions, an artist-in-residency program and the Françoise van den Bosch Award. This is bestowed biannually to a leading international jewellery artist. In 1980, the first Françoise van den Bosch Award was awarded to Paul Derrez. Over forty years later, in 2023, Chequita Nahar will receive the award.

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