Dominik Cunningham

Dominik Cunningham (1998) is currently based in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. He received his BA in Jewelry Design from Central Saint Martins in London, U.K. He has won a series of awards during his time at Central Saint Martins including the Theo Fennell Award for Best Design(2022), the Swarovski Foundation Scholarship(2022), and the Marzee Graduate Prize(2022). In 2023 he exhibited work at Munich Jewelry Week with Vitsœ. Most recently he has finished his collaboration with Current Obsession in their talent accelerator program GemZ. This collaboration culminated in an exhibition at the Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam.

Cunningham has a great interest in encapsulating his viewpoint of the world, often deciding to make work as dynamic as the subjects which he choses to explore. Those subjects are chosen based on his political viewpoint but are divulged in a way that allows for a more metaphysical exploration to take place.

“During the residency I am interested to analyze how my queerness manifests itself and how that relates to my engagement with the world. That being how my queerness relates to my existential self.”

Dominik will work and stay at the Rian de Jong studio from May to July 2024.


Photo credits
Photo 1-2: Dominik Cunningham
Pendants made during the Atelier Ravary /Galerie Marzee
Photo 3 : Frank Verkade
Project in collaboration with Current Obsession Magazine
Photo 4: Elza Lencberga
Project in collaboration with Current Obsession Magazine

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